+38(098) 888 8584
+38(098) 888 8584 free on the territory of Ukraine
Office hours :
Monday - Friday
9:00 - 17:00
Saturday, Sunday

Privacy Policy

Attention! Before browsing the site mamozin.com.ua, carefully read these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, do not use the site mamozin.com.ua

Site usage

The site mamozin.com.ua (hereinafter "Mamozin") allows you to view and download the materials on this site (hereinafter the "Site") only for your personal non-commercial use, provided that you retain all copyright information and other proprietary information contained in source materials and any copies thereof. You may not modify the materials on this Site, as well as distribute or display them in any form or use them in any other way for public or commercial purposes. Any use of these materials on other sites or on computer networks is prohibited.

Denial of responsibility

The materials and services on this site are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Mamozin does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the materials and product information provided on this Site. Mamozin may, at any time, without notice, make changes to the materials and services provided on this Site, as well as to the products and prices mentioned therein. If the materials and services on this Site become outdated, Mamozin does not undertake to update them. Mamozin shall under no circumstances be liable for any damage (including but not limited to loss of profit, data or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to use or the results of using this site.

Registration on the website

By registering on the Mamozin Site, you agree to provide true and accurate information about yourself and your contact information.

As a result of registration, you will receive a username and password, for the safety of which you are responsible. You are also responsible for all actions under your username and password on the Site. In case of loss of registration data, you agree to inform us about it.

Use of Personal Data We use various technologies to collect and store information when you visit the Mamozin website. This may include the recording of one or more cookies or anonymous identifiers. We also use cookies and anonymous identifiers when you interact with services offered by our partners, such as advertising services, for example, which may appear on other sites.

Refund policy

General rules governing the activities of online stores (in the terminology of the legislator - "distance selling") "On the protection of consumer rights."

If the buyer wants to return the goods of good quality within the specified time frame, he must send the seller a demand for the return of the goods with the attachment of the goods and documents.

The Seller (Mamozin) must ensure that the Buyer has complied with the conditions established by law.

Refunds (provided that the buyer complies with the requirements of the law on the return of goods) must be made no later than 10 days from the moment the seller receives the relevant request. A refund is the amount paid by the buyer for the item, excluding the cost of returning the item.

If the goods were paid for by a bank card - refunds for goods or services paid for by a bank card are made only to the card of the client who paid for the goods.

Cash withdrawal when returning goods paid for with bank cards is prohibited and is a gross violation.

If, at the time of the return of the goods, the client's card has ceased to be valid (lost, expired, returned to the bank), the refund can be made to another card of the same client, or to a bank account at the request of the client. In this case, the refund is made in a semi-manual mode, which increases the refund period up to a month.

Viber & WhatsApp:
65012, Ukraine, Odessa city, Osipova street, 50/52
Working hours:
Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00
Sending orders:
Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00
Where to find us