Happy Independence Day of Ukraine!

"… Expressing the will of the people of Ukraine, striving to create a democratic society, based on the needs of comprehensive human rights and freedoms, respecting the national rights of all peoples…,". Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine.
Mamozin Ltd. sincerely congratulates all of you on the main national holiday of our country!
The Declaration of Sovereignty of Ukraine contains the following lines: "expressing the will of the people of Ukraine and their eternal desire for independence." This phrase gives us, Ukrainians, responsibility not only for our personal well-being and happiness, but also for the well-being of our beautiful Motherland.
Let us all work together every day to implement our will, as stated in the Declaration, namely to respect and love our Nenka, to take care of her and our loved ones, to protect our Earth, to strive for prosperity and to promote the development of our dear Ukraine.
We, the Ukrainian company Mamozin, wish you and your families good health, prosperity in all endeavors, and of course happiness!
Peace to all of us and good in our native common home - Ukraine!